Lisbon Art Weekend

Dialogue Gallery - Galeria Graça Brandão


Welcome to Dialogue Gallery. Drawing inspiration from historical art salons, we aim to recreate the essence of those gatherings where art and conversation intersected. Our aim is to curate meaningful exhibitions as excuses for dialogues between different practices, provoking the spectator’s perception to ultimately amplify the understanding of the presented art.

Collaborating with a mix of emerging and more established Portuguese and international artists, our programme has a work-in-progress approach being therefore organic, to be defined along the desires and needs of the artists and the constellations that will occur, with a particular eye for quality and cutting edge art and thought in general, always with a peculiar reactive nature.

In a world dominated by digital interactions, Dialogue offers a space for genuine face-to-face discussions about art. Our exhibitions are carefully curated to encourage thought and spark conversations, inviting artists, patrons, and visitors to engage deeply with our programme.

At Dialogue, we value lasting relationships and are always open to new collaborations. We invite you to drop by and join in the dialogue.


Address: Rua dos Caetanos 26 A 
Phone:+351 910860910
Web Page:

Opening Hours during LAW: Thu.—Sat. 11:00-19:00